Sandra Evers-Manly is a noted corporate executive, community activist and patron to African-American artists. Her investment has made it possible for us to mount the workshop and move toward filming.
Her belief in our project aligns with the nonprofit organization Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center (BHERC) through which she works tirelessly to develop and preserve the history and future of Blacks in film and television.
After founding BHERC, she founded Films With A Purpose. As stated on their website, this organization “brings a viable tool that individuals and communities can use to support and promote diversity in front of and behind the camera.”
When “Joe Williams: Here’s To Life” is filmed, it will be presented by Films With A Purpose with Sandra Evers-Manly as a top Producer.
Hi Devra, it’s always good to talk to you and know that you are doing well. I viewed the items on the Website and everything looks outstanding as I new it would be. I can’t wait until the project is completed which will be a Blessing to young and old who love jazz. As Joe would always say ” It’s All About The Music ”
Peace and Love Always, T.R. Gordon ( Joe’s One and Only Road Manager)